A Keyboard?

This project was born out of coding, and involved a little bit of coding as well. So I had to categorize it as both making and coding, I’m sure you can forgive me 😀

I’ll have to write the whole story about my trip back into coding, because you may notice snippets in different posts about it that don’t quite add up. Perhaps I’ll write that next in fact.

See here for that full story!

So there I was taking classes in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, using my good old reliable full size Dell keyboard. In the process of trying to navigate my code quicker, and keep up with the faster coders, I started using the end and home keys. I had never used these keys before, but I was finding them very helpful. And very far away.
I thought it would be cool to move them down to where my right Alt and Ctrl keys are, since I rarely ever use those anyways. So I looked up “Custom Keyboards”. So that was my first mistake.

Before I knew it I was on a mechanical keyboard FaceBook group asking about switches, and websites to order from. Next I had my case and board and was already testing switches looking for the perfect one. I settled on the Durock T1’s and ordered enough to do a keyboard and a half.

I never thought I would love a keyboard so much in my life.